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Welcome. My name is Tabea Zimmermann and this is my portfolio. Explore these pages and writings for glimpses into my experiences and reflections on sustainability.



I am a recent graduate of Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. I spent the last four years learning about and exploring environmental science, French, literature, culture, ecology, policy, and social justice. My academic, travel, and work experiences have shaped my passions, my understanding of sustainability, and my dreams for the future. I invite you to take a look back at my journey and to glimpse what may lie ahead.


The Baird Sustainability Colloquium has served as a capstone to my time at Dickinson. With 11 other students, I have discussed environmental and social justice, learned about community development, practiced grant-writing, and explored conflict resolution. These students have challenged my perspectives on sustainability and how to be an effective leader in our changing world.

Sustainability reflection: delve further into how my perspective of sustainability has evolved over the past years.

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